OCEANOS employs high-skilled engineers and technicians qualified for:
- One atmosphere diving systems (HARDSUIT type) maintenance and repair (the only civilian team in Europe)
- Work class ROV piloting and maintenance
- Survey ROV piloting and maintenance
- Maintenance of all types of diving equipment and related hardware
We offer highly skilled mobile technical teams to provide complete technical and organizational on-site support using Client’s equipment and/or equipment supplied or leased by OCEANOS.
Our on-site jobs have included:
- ROV operations at:
- Shtokman Field
- Dolginskoye Field
- Harbor waters of the Port of Murmansk
- Black and Baltic Seas
- Russian Navy one atmosphere diving systems operations at Baltic and Black Sea, Arctic and Pacific Oceans
- Technical support of Russian Federal Guard service diving equipment in all required regions of Russia
- Diving and underwater works in the seas and inland waters of Russia